Wanted to Say Thank You


unfortunately I have to say good bye to the hobby. but before i go i want to say thank you to saltwaterfish.com for a great place and the great opportunity to me people and share stuff as well as share knowledge. You guys get a thumbs up in my book and i will be back everyonce in a awhile to say hi thanks again... i love you all


i will glad to see you follow through with the hobby i wish i started at your age... good luck with everything and keep your head up...


thank you .. it is killing me to do this do to being sick but it is best for the corals i dont have the time for them and i would hate to see them die after all my hard work.... when i feel better i hope i make it back ... like it say says its a life style thanks again mark and good luck


thanks hopefully i will be back sooner then later.... miss it already and it not even all the way gone yet


Active Member
Always sad to lose a fellow reefer. Good luck with you health and hope to see you back someday.


Goodbye for now- but come back and visit us occaisionally. We'll have new pictures for you to see!
Best of health to you.