Wanting a new pipefish


Active Member
Last night we went to our fish guy, he has three or four new pipefish from the breeder here in town. I currently have one yellow streak and want to add another. Does anyone forsee any problems with this? Will the pipes fight or bicker? These pipes are also a bit bigger than my Draco, would that mean they are females and how would you tell. Mine has a pink nose with a lavinder tailtip, I assume this is a female? Any thoughts would be great, thanks


Well-Known Member
According to a quick MOFIB search, it's apparently VERY hard to tell sexes between the corythoichthys species....


I'm not sure what a "yellow streak" pipe is...never heard of one to be honest. Now if you mean "bluestripe", which often have a yellow stripe down their backs, I get where someone might hang that name on them.
What species, do you have? Is it a dragon face? If so, I've never known or heard of DF's bickering.


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure what a "yellow streak" pipe is...never heard of one to be honest. Now if you mean "bluestripe", which often have a yellow stripe down their backs, I get where someone might hang that name on them.

What species, do you have? Is it a dragon face? If so, I've never known or heard of DF's bickering.
Yellow streak is a common name for one of the corythoichthys species.... Don't remember which one. Head's fuzzy w nyquil right now, ugh. But essentially yes, even two males should get along fine as long as they both have hiding spots. They aren't regarded as hugely aggressive.


WOW....so cute
I want one...HMMMMM....can I make the 54G a pipe tank...LOLOL...NOOOOOOOO NOT GONNA DO IT


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387568/wanting-a-new-pipefish#post_3412400
WOW....so cute
I want one...HMMMMM....can I make the 54G a pipe tank...LOLOL...NOOOOOOOO NOT GONNA DO IT
Don't know why you shouldn't make it a pipefish tank. He has been in there a couple of months and is easy to take care of. He just needs a buddy, they are social and I'm sure he is lonely. I love how his eyes move. You can put some other slow moving, quiet fish with them, so it wouldn't have to be exclusively a pipefish tank.