Wanting advice for an anemone pick.


New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 false percs, 3 damselfish and 2 nassarius snails
I am currently upgrading my ligt system to 192 watts
Water parameters:
Ph:8.2 and slowly drops to 8.1 over 2 weeks and water change brigs it up to 8.2
I cant think of any other details to include but will post ASAP if asked


Active Member
if u tank is mature enough, and hv enough light (t5 or mh perferably). i think a bta would do fine.


New Member
thx for the advice and my nitrate is 12ppm
my tank is 4 years old so it should be old enough
will my clowns host with a BTA?


New Member
Your tank is old enough.
It is hit or miss with clowns hosting an anenome. I have two false percula's and neither has shown any interest in my BTA. In time they may, but nothing in the past few weeks.


I have a BTA in my 150 with 2 false percs, 2 clarkiis and 1 yellow tail clarkii and none showed any interest for weeks, then I changed the direction of one of the power heads so that it was blowing a little more on the anemone and within 10 minutes one of the clarkiis was all over it. It's so much fun to watch!


my perk jumped right in and took it over within a day. i belive he ignored it until the lights shut off and then he was all for it, and ever since shes loved it


Active Member
Most Pecula's and Ocellaris tend to be more attracted to long tentacle anemone's. None of my clowns ever wanted to host a bubble tip.


I too want to know what the lighting is, not just the watts but the lighting


Watch out with only a 30 gallon...I've learned the hard way. I have a 40 gallon and have pretty much had to dedicate one half of the tank to my bta (it stretches out huge and I have to try to keep all other corals away from it). It split yesterday so now I'm really going to have to figure something out...hahaha!
I don't know if a bta will do okay with your lighting...mine thrives with my t5's but they've been broken for about 2 weeks and I can tell it's not as happy with just 1 t5 and my pc's. Wattage is "okay" but it's still been really reaching up for the lights since the setup broke (waiting on parts to fix it!!!).
I don't know about some of the other anenomes though...only telling you what I've noticed in my tank.
Good luck!