wanting featherdusters


I was wondering if I can get away with having two featherdusters for my size of a tank. I hear you need a well established tank in order to provide food for them. Define well established.


FD are just worms that have the crown so they dont fight like corals do so they can be placed next to each other with reacting. the only thing is on a smaller tank youll have to place them just right so they dont take up all the useable realestate. well established to me means a tank that has been up and running past the cycle for atleast 6 months without major water issues.
When I firset started my tank i had a lot of feather dusters. They really need good water quality. When the water is bad the feathers will just fall off and later when it gets better(or so it seems) they grow back. I think you will be ok having 2 of them