My background:
While living at home my dad and i started a 165 bow front with ufo led lighting system very nice system btw. Well ive moved out now and got my own place but the itch of the hobby is everywhere so i really want to start my own aquarium. I want a nano around a 28 gal so i can have fish, soft, hard corals and a clam. So my questions is i need help from the masters ha. My dad has always said to stay away form nanos due to water conditions being able to change so fast and rarely ever constant but from what i have read so fare thats far for the truth as along as you do weekly water changes and keep a good eye on it.
I am stuck on the fence (extremely painful) Bio cube or Nano cube
I noticed the JBJ nano comes with a intermediate and a advanced LED system. i am wondering what is the real difference between the two options (want LEDs after switching to them in our 165 im hooked).
Is is worth buying the complete set or just buying the standard tank and moding to what i want?
Skimmers a must if you do weekly water changes?
So hopefully as you guys can help me out with some of these questions. More will most likely follow but im just looking for some help cause after leaving this addicting hobby i NEED to get back in.
While living at home my dad and i started a 165 bow front with ufo led lighting system very nice system btw. Well ive moved out now and got my own place but the itch of the hobby is everywhere so i really want to start my own aquarium. I want a nano around a 28 gal so i can have fish, soft, hard corals and a clam. So my questions is i need help from the masters ha. My dad has always said to stay away form nanos due to water conditions being able to change so fast and rarely ever constant but from what i have read so fare thats far for the truth as along as you do weekly water changes and keep a good eye on it.
I am stuck on the fence (extremely painful) Bio cube or Nano cube
I noticed the JBJ nano comes with a intermediate and a advanced LED system. i am wondering what is the real difference between the two options (want LEDs after switching to them in our 165 im hooked).
Is is worth buying the complete set or just buying the standard tank and moding to what i want?
Skimmers a must if you do weekly water changes?
So hopefully as you guys can help me out with some of these questions. More will most likely follow but im just looking for some help cause after leaving this addicting hobby i NEED to get back in.