Wanting to get a Nano so i have questions haha


Thanks Snake (you are helping me answer alot of my questions) that seems like a much better option then trying to build one. What about the flow? Is the pump i have over kill for this tank? My return pump should match the the same flow as the overflow correct?

red tiger

I have tried the DIY PVC and it is more of headache then what you save, you keep trying to tune it to your pump, either your pump is pumping too much water or your siphoning too much! not worth it.
They have some overflows that you can connect an aqua lifter so you never loose siphon!
So are you still going with a Biocube or 40g Breeder?


Well-Known Member
Calculate your head loss with that pump first. Then find an eshopps overflow that is rated for about that much flow. Then put a ball valve on your return line.