Hi everyone, need some advice on adding an anemone to my clownfish tank. What does it take to keep them alive?? I have a 20L tank thats been up for 1 year. My temp is 80 sometimes 82. My SG is 1.022 PH is 8.2 I have 2 HOB power filters and a strip light with a coral life bulb in it. My light is on a timer and on for 7 hours a day. The tank has live rock and 2 clownfish in it. Nitrates/nitrites/amm. at 0 (API test kit) I also add Kent Marine essential elements to the water once a week.
Do I need a differant light?? do I need to raise the SG?? any advice would help.
Do I need a differant light?? do I need to raise the SG?? any advice would help.