Wanting to spice up the 55


I have a 55G that I have had for approx 6 years now. I have been though a bevy of filters, powerheads, and skimmers and seem to have found the right combo now. I have a Bak-Pak 2 skimmer and an Emperor 400 along with a rotating powerhead.
I also have a 48" duo actinic light that seems to be doing everyone well.
Things have been going great for almost a year now but I am getting a little bored. MY tank is now the home of:
1 med Yellow Tang
1 med Coral Beauty Angel (looks almost like velvet)
2 small Percula Clowns
3 Yellow Talied Blue Damsels
1 small Strawberry Basslet
3 curly-cue anenome
and about 65 lbs very cultured, very beautiful Figi Live rock (6 years old)
Any suggestions? I really love inverts and my carpet anenome died this week after getting friendly with the heater (so replacing him is a given)


I really need some advice here....
Also... do I need to change my pump on my CPR Bak Pak?
haha.. J/ p Get what you want, not what others think....
But how about a Blenny? they look nice,
or any other types of damsels
I believe pump on the skimmer should be fine.


start a second aquarium.
if it aint broke dont fix it.
iverts will spice it up, but no more fish.
that all i got to say about that.
good luck


Active Member
The kama Sutra....
Oh sorry you meant the tank.
If you have coral lighting get some softies. Go with a few col inverts you might find. Sun polyps are very easy to take care of and do not require light at all. Just need to be fed meaty foods every other day.


Currently my inverts consist of:
3 curly cue anenome
1 choc chip star
and 2-3 turbo snails......
My crabs never seem to make it though.... hmmmm.
I am scared of corals... should I be? I love the looks of them but I have always been scared to try it.


I have had the star for about a year now and the curly cues about 3 months....
The star tends to avoid everything UNLESS it dies on it's own. My carpet anemone got stuck to my heater last week and I finally got it off. I was actually thinking it would survive so I left it in the tank (all shriveled and burned) only to find my CC eating a good breakfast the next morning. That's the only time he's done that. Do they normally cause a prob?


If you have the lighting why not some easy corasls. Mushrooms come in different colors and are easy to take care of. Feather dusters are cool too.


My lighting is a 48" Custom Sealife Smartlight (50% day light and 50% actinic)... @-65 watt Smart lamps
I have had it about 2 years and love it.


Active Member
i have the same lighting....and its not enough for any anemone...i doubt your anemone burned itself on the heater.
Im sure it was sick from lack of light to photosynthesize and then the CC just ate it.


Actually, this is the light this website suggested for keeping anemone (granted 2 years ago). I have had no probs with it. I am looking into something different because I want to put a wooden canopy on my tank.
However, the carpet was ACTUALLY stuck on the heater (had to put on gloves and pry it off) and it left scorched flesh on the heater.
I am open to suggestions though....


how many bulbs are in the light
total watts 260???
i am thinking of getting same if it is 260w total