Wanting to spice up the 55


What now? I really want something neat and fun and LFS owner isn't as knowledgable as he thinks..... help!


Active Member
first of all....the anemone found its home on the heater...the flesh that was left on was because you RIPPED IT OFF NOT BECAUSE IT WAS SCORCHED!!!!


Well.... Aarone.....
You didn't have to be so hostile! I really am open to suggestions and ideas.
So maybe my carpet liked the warmth and I messed it all up...
Who knows? Still gonna replace him when SWF is back up and running and just wanted to some hints on other things, too.


Active Member
I apologize...
Here is my stance...
Anemones can lie for hundreds of years in the wild....
The average life in an aquarium is about 3-6 months...most die because of inadequate lighting.
I myself have killed an anemone due to lack of knowledge (before i found this site :) )
Even though 260w sounds like alot of light....the intensity of the bulbs is what really makes or breaks the photosynthetic value of it.
MH are very intense lights.....250 w of MH is going to be way more powerful than 260w of PC
I am not trying to be mean i just want to see these creatures try and thrive in an already dying ocean :(
What color are your curliques? Most good healthy anemones are brown in color....or more color ful. If it is white...they are on the verge of dying. Also, What do you feed them?


My "curlies" are a dark brownish pink (if that makes sense) and they eat brine every 4-5-6 days... kinda depends on how they look and if they are roaming looking for food. They have been "still" for about 3 weeks now. I have had this tank setup forever but moved it 1 month ago. Saved all the water, etc and only lost a mandarin in the process (go figure with those picky creatures).
So if I were to get a wooden canopy, what would be the best light to buy to fit it?


Active Member
well i would personally get 2x250w MH with 2 110w VHO actinic 03 for color supplement
That would be the best light you can get (not the best but pretty damn good)
If i may i would like to suggest that you switch from brine to maybe some pieces of shrimp or krill...brine has no nutritional value whatsoever...its like feeding them styrofoam.


Once again...
That's what happens when you listen to some LFS folks.
Would all that light fit in that canopy? What kind of difference would it make to my tank? Will it then be too much for corals?


Active Member
no it will be perfect...they make that exact light fixture in a retrofit kit.... it just mounts into the canopy at 48" or you can buy a 46.5" fixture....
Check out a website known as "hellolights DOT com look under retrofit kits and build your own retrofit
since you do not have corals you do not need to acclimate your tank to the new lighting...


1. Keep in mind that advice from this or any other message board is mostly opinion. Some folks here are very knowledgeable; others haven't got a clue but will still give their opinion. Get multiple opinions, do research, do more research, and make your own decisions.
2. Most here would reccomend more "cleanup" inverts for better overall tank health. In my 55 I have 30 or so assorted snails, about the same number of small hermits, several emerald crabs, shrimps and so on.
3. Don't be afraid of corals but be careful with them. You might want to try to have better luck with crabs and small inverts before I spent lots on $$ on corals.
4. I would add an overflow and sump for better filtration . . . probably the best thing I did with my 55. Adding a refugium would give you some additional critter space as well.
Just my thoughts and opinions for what they're worth. Good luck!


The overflow and sump are both great suggestions. However, I really don't have the time, energy, or space for those items right now. Many times over the past few years I have pondered adding those things and always end up changing my mind.
My tank is also in my living room, which is pretty small, and I think I couldn't handle not one more noise maker right now :rolleyes:
The TV is hard enough to hear as it is :D
Thanks THOUGH!
PS... why do my crabs seems to disappear? Am I buying them too small?


ronipa, if you get a wooden canopy definitely go to hellolights.com and check out the DIY retrofit kits, they work great and if you can afford it go with the electronic ballasts. On the crabs try getting extra larger empty shells and put them in the tank. As they grow they outsize their original shells and need to move to bigger ones.


About the noise . . . my sump is quiet and everything fits in the stand underneath. The fan noise from your canopy would be louder than a properly plumbed sump.
As far as your inverts . . . what is your water chemistry like? And your acclimation procedures? Inverts are generally more sensitive to water problems than fish . . .


Active Member
also as long as you have a CC star don't get any type of corals, clams etc. CC are carnivors BIG TIME. We feed ours twice a week a small piece of shrimp. Even if you feed them.
welcome to SWF....your tank is pretty.


How about some shrimp? I have a cleaner shrimp (we named him Maestro because he looks like he's conducting a symphony with his whiskers) and he is my favorite inhabitant in my tank. He swims all over the thank and cleans my hand whenever I stick it in there.
I also have a blood red fire shrimp who loves to hide in the rocks. But he is beautiful to see when he comes out to feed. We named him Rock Lobster. He looks like a tiny lobster with white polka dots.
Anyway, good luck!