Wanting to start a 14 or 29g Nano tank


New Member
I've been a freshwater hobbyist for years on the small scale (nothing over 10 gallons). And even attempted a 10 gal SW tank with clowns..once. I quickly learned that smaller wasn't better! I am considering jumping back into the SW world the correct way and am looking for advice.
1) Tank - I've been looking at the Oceanic Biocube. Any thoughts?
2) Live Rock and Sand - how much is needed for good filtration of a 14 or 29 gal tank?
3) Any suggestions on fish and other livestock?


Welcome to SWF....IDK much about bio cubes, but given an option I'd go with the 29G....A lot of people say sand and rock to average 1lb per gallon.....it's really up to you, BUT that works for me.
As far as livestock, you need to really do a lot of research and it also depends on your own preferences
I have a 29G (standard rectangle though) In it I have a chalk basslet, zebra goby, and citron goby....an emerald crab, 1 sally lightfoot, and lots of snails and a few little hermits.
I agree with meowzer, a 29g would be nice. As for livestock.., I think two black & white clowns, and a purple firefish would be nice. However the firefish likes lots of rockwork, and crevaces to hide in. As for a CUC, 7 Nas. snails, 12 Cerith snails, Some turbos ( if you want, they are kinda bulky ) NO hermit crabs, they annoy my anemone, and i've heard from others that they pull down corals. I'm still learning alot about SW and don't have the greatest tank, but don't be shy there are alot of awesome poeple on this site to help you out!


Active Member
1) I prefer tanks that arent all in one systems. i just feel limited by AIO's but if you do choose to go with one, i guess the 29g will be better due to volume. ask yourself what kind of corals would you want and go from there. if you want sps, then i really dont suggest AIO systems
2) use porous dry rock. check our brs eco rocks or macro rocks. im not a fan of live rock as you never know what pest you might get with it. seed it with a small piece of live rock. I only purchased 18 lbs of dry rock for my tank and it looks to be way more than it actually is. I'm a fan of bare bottom tanks as well, so if you dont have to have sand, just leave it out. if you do, get sand from caribsea
3) in a 29g, i wouldnt add more than 3 fish honestly. as for your cuc, 4 nassarius snails, 20 dwarf cerith snails, 2 turbo snails, 2 astrea snails.


New Member
Thanks for your replies. In setting up the tank, after the live rock/sand, it has cycled. What do you recommend next? CUC or Corals?


cuc should always be first.....do research on the corals you want...some need very specific lighting, and also some need to be in established tanks....like at least 6 months old or even more