wanting to start a 30g FO tank


New Member

Okay I have been reading and reading (finally gonna post a thread), and getting so many of everyones different opinions from other threads, but i would like to make this a simple thing. I see that a skimmer really isnt needed on a FO tank nor is LR. So with that in mind, I am hoping that I will be able to do this with the following stuff we have left from a FW 30g tank that is no longer used. I have NO intension in making this a reef or nano-reef only FO, I want a bigger tank for the reef (90g but way down the road)
---tank equipment---
-2" or 3" sand
-AquaClear 500 power filter or a Proquatics 2400 canister filter
-N.O. 40w light
-1 or 2 powerheads extra water movement (0 or 1 if I use the canister filter)
-fake rock work
-bi-weekly water changes of 5g
-Not planning on using a skimmer
-1 Royal Gramma
-2 Ocellaris Clowns
-1 Blennie (not sure what one)..
-Very open to suggestions in replacing any of these fish
I am still considering to make it an aggressive tank instead. But not likely. Thanks everyone for your help, and suggestions.


Active Member
I was just thinking about using a 10g I have for the same kind of idea.
If it were me, I would reconsider the LR. Even a few small peices would benefit you. Without the rock or a skimmer, I would cut down the number of fish you intend to keep.
Any ideas on how you'd keep the sand bed clean? Any invert ideas?
I don't think that there are too many aggressive-type fish that wouldn't quickly outgrow a 30g.


New Member
Thanks I understand why you recommend the LR but i was hoping for just a FO tank and not a FOWLR. Since there will be no corals or other items that are extremely sensitive to high nitrates, I feel I can get away with out LR, however I did recently find out that I can put baserock in the tank and not cuase any extra cycles. Although a skimmer might become a needed item which due to cost I would go with a CPR backpak HOT, althought the AquaC seems to be the best HOT the cost is an issue for me.
The sandbed if needed I would keep a fighting conch, a couple turbo's or Nassarius Snails, also 1 Skunk Cleaner shrimp.