WaRgAsM's 28 Gal LED JBJ Nano Thread


Here is a side by side comparison of my Frogspawn from when I first got it two months ago to present. The guy had it under PC lighting for 7 months and then sold it to me. I have the LEDs and the difference is incredible. The pics from my phone do it no justice either.


Updated pics and a couple new things...... Carnation Coral, Green BTA and an Open Brain I think? All of my Frogspawns now have two mouths so they have begun to split. My Hammer frag has split into two heads. My Duncan went from 16 heads when I got it 2 1/2 months ago to 28 heads. I would say everyone loves the LEDs.



Well-Known Member
dang very nice..good growth their! Ur lil ocean is coming along quickly wats ur secret ur not telling us?


No secrets man I spot feed the Duncans and all other LPS twice a week ensuring each polyp gets fed and I do weekly water changes and that is about it. I alternate brine and krill with squid for all of the corals and the frogspawn love squid for some reason lol. I am happy with the progress so far. I water is always perfect and I use a nano skimmer (venturi) and things are going awesome! The Xenia are also going crazy I started with a small frag now they are growing like a weed!


Well-Known Member
ya i got to start doin more frequent w/c's....ur gonna love that brain coral! Ive got a trachyphillia and its just like urs... u can feed em too but they dont really need it i dont think! Mine is about as big as ur hand from tip of the fingers to the bottom of ur palm...well my hand lol!


Here is the frogspawn progress. I got it 6 months ago from a guy who had it under PC lighting and you can see the transformation from 4 heads barely living to 8 heads in just 6 months with the LEDs.