Warning For All Shark Keepers!!!!


If you keep bamboo sharks DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT try and feed them Hoki meat!!!!!!!! Last night I was feeding my fish some of my homemade fish food that I had ground up in the blender with some squid, shrimp and the cheapest fish meat (Hoki.) My shark looked hungry so I went and cut up some little slices for him. I put them in the tank like i usually do and dangled them infront of his face and he freaked smooth out. Shot across the tank into the glass then back across the tank into some rock and then out of the tank onto the floor. When I put him back in he seemed fine and today he is doing great. Does anyone know what causes this?


Active Member
I don't have experience with this first hand but, it probably wasn't the meat. Don't know what spooked him but, I am glad to hear that he is okay now.


Active Member
Glad that the fish is okay.
WARNING WARNING:::::: Do not feed your 5 year old liver. My five year old was hungry so I dangled some liver in front of her face. She ran across the room and straight into the door, she then jumped into the reef tank where I finally got her out with some Ice cream. She seems okay today:D :D :D


WARNING WARNING:::::: Do not feed your 5 year old liver. My five year old was hungry so I dangled some liver in front of her face. She ran across the room and straight into the door, she then jumped into the reef tank where I finally got her out with some Ice cream. She seems okay today




Originally posted by jlem
Glad that the fish is okay.
WARNING WARNING:::::: Do not feed your 5 year old liver. My five year old was hungry so I dangled some liver in front of her face. She ran across the room and straight into the door, she then jumped into the reef tank where I finally got her out with some Ice cream. She seems okay today:D :D :D

Your shark was just freaked/pissed/excited. IMHO it had nothing to do with type of the food offered.:) I had a leopard do the exact same thing when I offered food he had eaten a 100x. Sometimes, they just take the feeding frenzy to the next level.


I don't think it was the meat either. About 2 weeks ago when my timer turned the light on, my bamboo freaked out and went around the tank in a frenzy and jumped right out the back onto the floor. He freaked out before, but never jumped out.