Warning...this is gross!


I need to know what to do......if anything
My fiance bought a pizza last night and put the leftovers in the fridge......so i heated some up earlier and to my horror after eating about half of a slice i noticed a hair (dark, short and curly if you follow..)
After further inspection I found 2 more......
I have been sick ever since...just at the thought of it....its very gross....and i know it wasn't either of ours....they were INSIDE the crust of the pizza.....
what the heck do I do??? ugh....i feel sick again.....gross....


Active Member
sure it's not your's

I would save the pizza as evidence and return to the pizza place with a health complaint. That is SICK.


Staff member
Contact the pizza place immediately, then see if you can get that analyzed, then see a lawyer.


I threw away the pizza mainly because i cant look at it.....but i saved the evidence......
too bad i dunno which one he got it at......but i will call as soon as i find out.....but i have a feeling they will be like, 'oh im so sorry....let us offer you a free pizza'......ugh!!!!


oh and no its not mine or his! we both have light hair...mine is long...his is short but blonde....these were....er......dark....short.....and curly...


oh come on! it's just a hair or two. that's NO BIG DEAL. now if it was a severed finger....well then you may have an issue.
eating several hair strands will not make you sick. i don't care if they're straight off a homeless bum with more diseases then you can shake a stick at. it's all in yer head. your immune system gets much more of a battle when your co-worker's coming to the office with a cold, or everyday on the freeway breathing in exhaust from 1000s of tailpipes. you'll even get multitudes more of germs by simply kissing your spouse or petting your dog.
wanna know what to do? throw the pizza away and don't order from them again. problem solved.


it does say a lot about the sanitary practices of the place but most places have pretty crummy sanitary practices anyways.


Active Member
If you do get sick I reccommend you post in the disease and treatment forum and see if Beth can help you out.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
If you do get sick I reccommend you post in the disease and treatment forum and see if Beth can help you out.



Active Member
Oh my gaw!
Totally contact that hotline number that is printed on the side of the box.
That is effing sick.
Where was it from...?


Active Member
I ordered from Godfathers Pizza a while ago...had eaten 3 - 4 pieces and noticed a little hair that was actually baked into the pizza. I started to pull the hair and it just kept going and going and going...it turned out to be like 10", BAKED into the pizza!
I called, yelled and took the pizza back after work. They gave me a refund and a new pizza but I couldnt bring myself to eat it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
its just hair, its not like you can get dieseases from it or anything....
It's still gross.