wart skin angler


I went to the lfs today and was going to ask if them if they have a any anglers, well i looked around trying to find someone while i found this angler. It looked very unique. It cost $60. Now heres my question, are these type of fish easily stressed, lets say by eels? Cause i dont want to spend my money then my eels stress it then it gets ick and dies. I'm really considering buy it maybe around 2 more weeks. I did a 15gal water change today so maybe my trates went down.
So whats your all opinion?


oh BTW, remember i told you i have a cleaner shrimp? Well like 3 days ago i herd splashes in my tank at night so i turned the lights on and i saw my sfe and my chainlink tearing apart the shrimp!:scared: I knew it might happen but when...


I want one too, but i herd that they are a hit or miss. Just make sure you have no fish the size of the angler or small



Originally posted by fishy411
assorted angler isnt a species numbnuts. It means there are assorted species of angler in the tank.



Active Member
Just be shure you dont over feed it! mine died that way, it was tragic!
I went to the fish store today and saw the wartskin anglers and other anglers, BABY ones, like no kidding, half of an inch, they were so cool.