was anyone had cleaner shrimp babys make it?


Active Member
ok i have a cleaner shrimp with eggs and i put the pair in a breeder cage so if they do hatch they will not get eatten any info would help and if anyone has had babys that have made it..


Active Member
yeah thats what i have read but iam going to give it a shot i have them in a breeder net right now see what happens..


I'll ask at work tomorrow (I work at a pet store!) if anyone has any ideas. I'll also visit my favorite LFS and ask the owner if I have a chance--he knows everything and anything.
I dont know if this is the same BUT, I had some peppermint shrimp that had eggs, I put them in a nursery tank within my tank and fed them enriched brine shrimp.. and also, added the regular foods i add to my tank as well. It almost became scary becuase they were like swarms of bees the way they hang under rock.. LOL
Below is What I did and it worked well for raising the shrimp AND seahorse fry.
Took a one gallon plastic fish bowl, cut the bottom off and syliconed on a round piece of plastic tank seperator material. Then i punched holes in the sides of it and covered the holes with the same tank seperator stuff... (sylicone it on) so the nursery is protected from strong current BUT gets plenty of circulation. Then I got a very small filter and hung it on the back of the tank and took a piece of airline tube and ran it from the "outgoing flow" "where the water runs out of it" into the top of the nursery tank. helps for circulation.. sends new water into the bowl and then the "old" water flows out the bottom of the bowl.. and clip it onto the inside of your tank...
It works awesome. If I can find a pic of it set up I will post it. I still have it for when I need it, I can post a pic of the nursery bowl itself.
Sorry so long, but hope this helps, Kim
I had to take pics of my home made nursey for another guy on this site.. figured I would post pics of it for you....
3 pics to follow... so you can see all sides and how the tube into the nursery works...
this nursery is great.. it protects many different things... fry, frags, etc... and because the bottom is sturdy you can put in a piece of rock or something for the (whatever you putting in it) to hide under or hitch to...
That strip is covering some holes I punched in the side for extra circulation..( you dont want the water in the nursery to get stagnant) ..This nursery has proven to work EXCELLENT!
The netted nurseries are not nearly as sturdy and with the bowl type as I made here, it protects whatever is in there from the strong circulation in your main tank,(while using the same water chemistry and quality) but the small holes and the hole at the top for the air tube keeps constant soft circulation that you can control. =)
Just to add to the post.. I have made a bunch of them for people who have raised seahores through the years, I belong to the SH message boards too.
If anyone would like one, I can make you one... I have made maybe 20 or 30 of them for people. I think everyone should have one kicking around for emergencies. YOu never know when your gonna need a hospital tank for a hurt fish or frag etc.... its NOT for a fish with ICH or disease, but for something that needs to be protected for a while It's actually healthier to have something protected INSIDE your main tank because its less stressful on it and if its a frag or coral, its still in your main tank getting the light and nutrients it needs while it recovers. MAKE SENSE?? LOL
I also had a couple at one time clipped inside my hospital tank to protect a fish while it was in QT from others in QT... its big enough and strong enough for many needs.
Sometimes you have different fish from different tanks in need of QT and if they are protected from one another it's safer for the fish. They are not being picked at or chased around a QT tank, they can just relax and get healthy and strong again. . JME

Thanking you kindly, Kim


Active Member
yeah somthing like that would to be to big in my tank so i moved them into my 20 gal with a breeder net...


Go to your local patent office and take care of it now! That is a great idea and Ive never seen one made like that, and i can see how that would work great.
Worst thing is you could see this thing on a shelf one day and say damn! that was MY idea!
wait...ive said too much, i have to go somewhere this afternoon....:)


peter, is that a subtle way of saying you want a pic of kim?
Damn...i should have thought of it first. How about something in a bikini?
I already mailed my plans and pics to myself lastyear. The postdate unopened envelope is proof of idea. I gave it to inventplus and working on patent. It WAS SO EXPENSIVE!! SO done....
So any of you who need patent advise, i have it.. lOL
Here is a pic.. I just popped it in (in the front) for you to see in tank. I usually put it on the side... but its there for such a short time, it doesnt matter..
OH SHOOT, site still having problems posting pics, will check in AM..