Was Given a 125 tank w/fish


New Member
Ok, have been reading all that I can, start today but now I need a little help. I was given a 125 tank with 2 lg yellow tangs, 1 xl blue hippo, 1 lg clown and 1 snowflake moray eel and I just added 2 sea anemone ok no one get mad I guess I was not suppose to do that??? Also my sand is getting brown spots in the sand, all fish are eating I think the tank is doing fine lead me in the right direction swf bloggers Also this is my first salt water tank…… Thanks for reading


i just posted the same ? about brown spots on the sand and was told it is diathoms and will continue to grow until thick and then just go away on its own with water changes....as long as u are not overfeeding. I am new to this only had a tank 5 months but that is what i was told, somebody else here may have better info.


yes quite normal. Just the maturation of the tank. What kind of filtration do you have on this tank and lighting?