was i worng for this


Active Member
Most lfs still sell people damsels to cycle their tanks. It's not wrong, as much as just unnecessary. You pay for the damsels (that might not survive anyway). If you go to return them, you get half of what you paid in store credit (if you're lucky.) There are other ways to cycle a tank. At this point, you could either return them to the store and cycle with your live rock or even a pinch of flake food every other day to feed the bacteria, or leave the damsels there and then return them once the tank has cycled.


Originally Posted by Farslayer
u is bad :)
Is the tank done cycling?
No my tank is not cycled yet, but my kid like them and my wife. She didn't want me to have the tank anyway.


Active Member
Ah, ok, if the wife likes them, KEEP THEM! They can be aggressive though. What do you want to keep in the tank?


Originally Posted by Farslayer
Ah, ok, if the wife likes them, KEEP THEM! They can be aggressive though. What do you want to keep in the tank?
aggressive fowlr 1 puffer 1 snowflake 1 lion 1 trigger and 1 grouper. how can i keep the Algea down should i get a uv


Active Member
Keep algae down by keeping clean water :) Maintain as close to 0 nitrates and phosphates as possible with proper filtration. UVs are a good idea. They eliminate free floating algaes, bacteria, and parasites. I run a Fluval FX5 canister with carbon and phosgard to keep my water clean.


Active Member
how big is the tank. For that many large and aggressive fish you are going to need a decent sized tank. If you dont, everything will just out grow it.


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
how big is the tank. For that many large and aggressive fish you are going to need a decent sized tank. If you dont, everything will just out grow it.
55g with lr and cc i want a c.chip starfish


Active Member
Tank is too small I believe. The starfish would be fine in it as long as you feed him well, but the others...definitely not the grouper, I think they get huge.


Active Member
Tank is WAAAAYYYYY too small for the stock...disaster I am afraid :( BTW, no stars (or other inverts) with the puffer and trigger. They are predators of such animals.


New Member
Don't Dwarfs eat starfish? Starfish can be hard to care for also....Id drop the star and get a dwarf lionfish, damsels, snowflake eel, and some snails. I personally hate hermits, they dont clean much and kill your snails for the shells. Oh, will the damsels become lionfish food? Someone help me out here.


I had a CC star when I first got my tank. I loved him, very active and cool to watch. Too bad he started eating everything in my tank. The lfs failed to tell me he would eat all the corals I was buying with him. Stupid noobie mistake!! Trusting the LFS. I had to get rid of him so I could get more corals. If I had a FOWLR tank though, I would definately get a new one.