was i worng for this


Active Member
Originally Posted by rdosr
aggressive fowlr 1 puffer 1 snowflake 1 lion 1 trigger and 1 grouper. how can i keep the Algea down should i get a uv
You can have all these fish in the dwarf variety: toby puffer (hawaiian blue, spotted, valentini ect), golden dwarf moray eel (if you can find one and dont mind the $300+ pricetag. snowflake may work too for a good long while), dwarf lion and for the grouper a large male lyretail/pictilis/squarespot anthias are nothing more than and classified as dwarf basses (dont be fooled, all those anthias can get to 5" and more in the male form).
for algae you'll need one of these (if the fish are biters get the one with the long handle lol)

oh the original question. I still dont have objections to cycling with a damsel or two if done right (which is one, maybe two in a 30g or larger with no uncured rock. there is little chance of ammonia accumulation stong enough to harm damsels @ that bioload. the speed of the biofilter development catches up). the bigger problem with this method is you think the tank is ready just because the cycle is over but it doesn't take much biofilter development to cope with damsel waste. when this method was popular everything would frequently die when new fish were added. I always waited several months before adding more fish cycling that way. Liverock wasn't popular either when this method was common (which is why adding 3 fish at once is much more safer than it was or is without cured liverock).


Fish list...
PP Puffer recommended tank size = 90 gallons. You could get a smaller puffer, but the likelihood that your lion would eat it is very high! Also, consider your damsels lion fish food! If you don't want them, this might be the easiest way to get them out of your tank. They aren't easy to net. Though I'm not suggesting you knowingly sacrifice them to the king of the fowlr. Hehe... get it? lion = king of the jungle, lion fish = king of the fowlr... never mind, I'm a dork! Anyways, yep tank too small for a trigger also. I like your fish list (except for the eel). It's not bad... but I like your list so much that I put an anemone and 2 true percs in my 58 and bought a 125 that will be fowlr with radiata lion fish. Think about getting a bigger tank... you will do it sooner or later anyways! LOL!


triggers will also tear up the lion and the puffers especially the porkies,.
I do agree those fish you listed get way to big for a 55 gallon tank.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
for algae you'll need one of these (if the fish are biters get the one with the long handle lol)



Active Member
i recommend live sand cuz cc gets dirty and keep nitrates level up if not cleaned regularly...live sand is much easier to maintain..but its up to you..most ppl prefer live sand...