Was this a good deal?


I bought this 4 mo old tank from a friend and was wondering if it was a good deal or not. I got 1 yellow tang, a CB angle, a yellow tail blue damsel, a sand sifting goby, a sally lightfoot, a feather duster, a leather coral, lots of snails and hermits, 30 lbs base rock, 20 to 30 lbs live rock, a new tank, a new stand and hood, a skimmer, a penguim 350 bio wheel filter, and 80 lbs of live sand. I gave him $300 for it. Am i a fool or did I do good?


Active Member
What kind of skimmer and lights came with it? It sounds a bit high but if these components are mid to high end, you may have received a deal.


Active Member

Just a rough est. but
tank and hood approx.--150.00
live rock(which it all is by now)--At least 300.00
live sand--at least 100.00
filter about--40.00
This is approx 560.00 not including the high dollar stuff if it is good. The skimmer and lights. Hopefully lights are at least 50/50 around 125.00 for 48in.
Also not including livestock.
So I'd say if you did it from scratch yourself you would be getting on up there. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Now list your lights and skimmer and see if it is even better.


That is about average in my opinion. You can find higher and lower depending on how much time you want to spend shopping around. You may want to consider trading the tang in on something else, they need alot of room and a 55 is a bit small in my honest opinion for one to live happily.


i think that is pretty good. I paid the same for an older 60 gal tank without the skimmer. Maybe i just got a bad deal...Congrats on the tank!


I think this is very good IMO. I wish i would of thought to buy used - instead of everything new!!... lol... you don't even want to know what i have invested in my 44g. I will just say it was alot more than 300.


The reason this is such a good deal is because the tank is only FOUR months old. Generally, when you talk about buying used equipment in the saltwater hobby it's going to be over a year old. Specifically, your tank won't have nearly as many scratches, nics, or dings. I bought a used 58 gallon for about half of what you spent, but when I turned the light on there were lots of scratches on the glass. I invested way more in liverock than you have invested in your whole tank. You got an excellent deal in my opinion. Congrats, welcome to the addiction, and I hope you're successful at keeping that livestock!!!


I checked today at Wal Mart and this tank and stand cost $250 not including the canopy. My LFS sells live rock for $7.00 per lb and base rock for $4, tangs for $43, angels for $30,. These prices seem high to me but I am new to the hobby. But I'm looking to get addicted
so any help is welcomed. I also have a thread on here about using rain to mix saltwater but the jury is still out on that lol. Thanks all! So very much. I'll post a pic of the tank I bought soon.


Originally Posted by Robert0862
These prices seem high to me but I am new to the hobby. But I'm looking to get addicted
so any help is welcomed.
Not What I Usally Hear But Ok!