was watching Blue Planet last night


it was the part about deep dea fish and stuff.. like hundreds of feet down.
They have some real wild jelly fish down there. Crazy colors.
I bet these are impossible to get huh??


Active Member
ya ud need HUGE TALL tanks for em to simulate the amount of water pressure theyd experince along w/ no lights. of course w/ the new technology coming out aqauriums could keep them and maybe in like 2063 we'll see on this on this board "my gulper eel just ate my deep sea angler im taking it back to my LFS"


Active Member
I doesnt have anything to do with "you'd need a HUGE TALL tank". You're not gonna have a 1000' deep aquarium.
I'm sure it could be done, but the thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars it'd take to purchase the equipment would keep most people away from this project. You'd need equipment to simulate the atmospheric pressure at 1000', which is sometimes like 400 times GREATER than at sea level.
Fish, living at those depths, cant just be brought to the surface. The pressure change would kill them long before they reached the surface.


Active Member
exactly but like 60 to 100 years from now i bet we'll have the technology, i mean look at the progress we've made in the past 30yrs, weve gone from aqauriums keeping like just damsels and such to like schools of moorish idols etc etc, imagine wat we can accomplish in 60yrs....


Active Member
In 60 yrs, and that is pushing it for me, I will be happy with a betta in a fish bowl!!!


Active Member
interesting link, didnt know anything about that site until now, didn't know there were specail systems for the jellies


New Member
dude my roommate and I watched that same show and everytime they'd show a cool as fish (like the one w/ huge fangs!) we'd be like damn how badass would that be to have in the aquarium?! its funnyto think that somewhere else, at the exact same time, someone else was thinking the exact same thing as us.