washing algea off rocks?


Hey I'm about to do a water change and want to take a few rocks out of my tank that have nothing but a bunch of algea on them. How do I go about washing them? fresh water? do I let them dry out B 4 putting them back in the tank? please help asap I gotta try and get rid of this crap!


This is what I did:
Get water coming out from DT put it in a bucket and in that bucket scrub off the algae. Then, as you scrub it, keep rinsing it with water coming out of the DT and when you're almost done with it, rinse it with new salt water. After being rinsed a couple of times, place LR in a bucket with new salt water and let it stand with a heater and a power head for 48 hours. Then place back into DT. I did this and it worked perfectly, nothing changed, except I got rid of some algae and kept a lot of good algae on the rocks
Maybe someone else has a better method, but this worked fine for me


okay problem! didn't get these responses soon enough and just rinsed the hell out of my LR with fresh water! figured I had to kill the algea? so now what? I'm screwed


okay I still need help I took 2 peices out of my tank and washed them with fresh water oops. now they are dry what do I have to do B 4 putting them back in my tank? Thanks
might start a mini cycle with all the bacteria u killed if you toss it back in the tank. u let them dry too?? umm sheesh i wouldnt put them back in, id say they need curing now. might spike your system. hard to say i havent ran into this problem but dont put them back in yet wait till sum1 cab shed light on this issue sorry cant help u further


Originally Posted by cabin7882
okay problem! didn't get these responses soon enough and just rinsed the hell out of my LR with fresh water! figured I had to kill the algea? so now what? I'm screwed

You only waited 50 mins before someone posted. Your algae wasnt going to change your tank in the hour of not doing anything to the rock waiting for a post. You need wayyyy more patience in this hobby my friend to be able to be in it for the long haul.
It takes time for someone to stumble upon your thread. Keep this in mind next time.


Well-Known Member
It is not the end of the world. They will reseed if you add some more live rock. On the upscale the hair algae is dead.
Put the few pieces rock in a bucket with saltwater for a week to 10 days with a power head to clear any dead things off. Then add it to the tank.