washing frozen food


how does everyone wash their frozen food - particularly frozen mysis and formula 1. I have an outbreak of cynobacteria and heard that frozen food not washed can lead to higher phosphates, feeding the problem. So how is it done?


Active Member
I just recently heard about this, after having a tank for 4 years. I bought a strainer at the hardware store. I was looking for a tea leaf strainer but ended up getting one that is supposed to be for a sink. So far the only problem was when I went to rinse the food out of the strainer and back into the glass and dumped the food out in the sink. Feeding time was a little later that night.


would rinsing hte food using tap water cause a problem as well since the water has phosphates also?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jba6511
would rinsing hte food using tap water cause a problem as well since the water has phosphates also?
yes, there will be no point
If you rinse it use ro/di.


Active Member
I have come to the opinion that all commercially prepared foods are problematic. Dried foods presenting a phosphate problem and frozens not much better considering the gels and binders and general "unknown" quality of mysis and other items used in the freezing.
If these companies are like most they are likely cutting every corner they can in search of higher profit margins despite what there claims on the package say.
The only alternative is to make your own. There are various recipes on the net and this forum and usually contain finely chopped fresh sea foods from the market and food grade nori sheets used to wrap sushi.


Active Member
I dont use ocean nutrition or any other frozen food that has visable and nasty gel binders. I dont do anything else. you cant eliminate phospates from prepackaged food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jba6511
some useful suggestions in this thread. Anyone else?

I rinse all of my food either with RO/DI water, or use the tank water to thaw and strain in the fish net. But now that I have started making my own food, I simply rinse the seafood with RO/DI water, blend it up, and use tank water to thaw.