Wasp Fish

Today I picked up something that I have wanted for quite awhile. A wasp fish. They are in the same order as lions and other scorpion fish (Scorpaeniformes)<sp?>. So they can have a real nasty sting if your not careful. They are a very passive fish, but if it can fit in there mouths they will eat it. This is the first time I seen one come avaliable here in the middle of nowhere(Nebraska :p ). From what (I know about them they require conditions simalar to lions but like a little more current. They can be a challenge to get to eat frozen, but with a little patience you can get them to start eating frozen krill, squid and shrimp.
Has anyone else out there ever had one ? Would like to hear any comments and experiences.
Here is a pic of him in the Q-tank, he has a case of ich but the LFS never even took him out of the bag so he is a little stressed from the shipping , they just called me. So once that clears up he is going into a 75.
Kev, This species gets about nine inches. But they tend to sit on the bottom along the live rock and wait for food to float by.
Marco333, Tonight he aint a ghost shrimp and then a bunch of mysis.
The ich is already clearing up and he seems to be happy. I added a scarlet cleaner to the Q-tank and the seems more than willing to let the cleaner do it's job. I am going to keep in there till monday or tuesday then I am going to move him to his real tank. :)


That is a sweet looking fish. I had never heard of a "wasp fish" before...it looks like the "leaf scorpionfish" but its body looks a bit different. What color is it...brown?
It is a redish brown. Leaf scorpion is probably another name for them. The one I would really like to see is the cockatoo wasp. That one is a very colorful animal !! :)


Active Member
Snakes, Very Cool! Congrats and keep us up to date on his progress. I've kicked around the idea of of one of the scorpion fishes but I need to do more research.
Nerdy , he was $30.
I have been getting a real kick out of watching him. He likes to get into the higher flow areas and sway with the current. He blends in real will with the darker live rock and I can see why he is an ambush predator. Earlier he was stalking a piece of mysis, He would move just a little then freeze. Then he would sway a little till it moved again then he would. Finally he got with in a .25 of an inch and then snapped it up. It took about 15 minutes for the whole thing to play out. It's better than watching discovery :D


That is a very cool fish, I have never seen one before. The pic of him looks like he is saying peek-a-boo.:D