Watage to gallons?



I have 2x 65w 10,000k and 2x 65w acnitc PC's w/ 4 led moon light on my 55gal. Is this going to be enough for most soft corals? Is there anything I cant have?


As useual you guys are awsome!!!!!!!!!! Always answering questions ASAP. THANKS!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
135 gallon 72" long.......will 3- 250w MH work for SPS and other hard corals?
Yep, as far as lighting goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
135 gallon 72" long.......will 3- 250w MH work for SPS and other hard corals?
Yes, you should be fine.


Active Member
Thanks ViPeR_930 and lion_crazz
Are the actincs necessary? I know they are to supplement the blue light coming from the MH, but at a LFS I saw a set up where they had a 10,000K and it ws pretty white....If I were to use a 14,000 K in the middle and two 10,000 K on either side. Would that work? Why/why not?
Thanks again


Active Member
if you want the blueish color i would go with 14 or 20 k's on each end and a 10 in the middle..It all should blend together nicely


Active Member

Originally Posted by joncat24
if you want the blueish color
i would go with 14 or 20 k's on each end and a 10 in the middle..It all should blend together nicely

Thanks joncat...and naturally...logically speaking, if I wanted a more whiter color....go opposite correct? so actincs would not be necessary then? What I don't want is for it to go blue/white/blue...or vice versa.....I do want a smoth blend


i will be doing 4 48" vho's for my 90g to make 440 watts and equals almost 5 watts per gallon (4.89 to be exact)...the fittings will probably be 2 10k daylight and 2 actinics and a set of lunar lights


Ok, Im a Newbie in Salt Water Tanks. I currently have a 75 Gallon and I was sold a Nova Extreme HO T5 Lighting Fixture. (www.current-usa.com). It is a 48" Nova Extreme and it includes 2x54 T5 HO Slimpaq 10,000k Daylight Bulbs and 2x54w ST5 HO Limpaq 460NM Actinic Bulbs and includes 4 Moon White Lunar Lights.
Is this light good enough to keep anemones and soft corals?
If its not can u please let me know what to do? (If I should buy one more and add it to the tank or just get a MH)


MH are fairly expensive, i have followed the general rule of 4 watts per gallon and i think you need about 300 watts and if you want to keep anemones then i would go with a lot more light...i will be doing 2 vho strips...1 strip with 2 110watt 10k bulbs and 2 110watt actinic plus 2 3 or 4 inch moon lights


Should I go buy another 48" Nova Extreme that includes 2x54 T5 HO Slimpaq 10,000k Daylight Bulbs, 2x54w ST5 HO Limpaq 460NM Actinic Bulbs, and includes 4 Moon White Lunar Lights and add it to my tank, so that I dont have to sell this one or should I go buy a light with higher watts thats a T5 and replace the one I have?


i would say go buy another strip that should give you 432 watts i believe and i would think that is enough....


Ok. Thanks Alot because my anemones keep dieing after about 4 weeks. Thought it was the light but the guy that sold it to me said it would be fine. I will go buy the same light tommorow and add it to it. I appreciate it cuz my pinktip anemone right now is brown and it suppose to be white with pink tips.


yeah that is probably because you dont have enough light....how long do you run them??? at 432 watts that is up with there with MH but cheaper and run cooler...i mean you could have gotten a mh/vho combo but that is like 600 bucks and you i think you get 2 150watt MH with 1 110 watt daylight and 1 110 watt actinic so that would make 520 watts and a high power bill


I have it on a timer. 12 hrs and then 12 hrs off
I payed 250 for the light that I bought but it makes me so mad cuz I asked the guy will this be enough and the guy said yah. I would have bought a better light, I didn't care about the price. I spent like 1600 dollars at his store.
Will the 432 watts work for hard corals as well?


what store was it?? i just seen you were from GA sometimes i go to Marine fish in marietta.....i am not sure about hard corals because i dont have any so i am not sure about how they will do but right now i have a 45g with 190 watts of vho's and i had an anemone he lasted about a month and then died i dont know what happen but i dont think he was in a position to get enough light....does your light strip come with the reflector on the inside of the fixture??