watanabei angelfish


just bought a WA and just wanted to see if anyone has had any experiances with these. its been in the lfs for a couple weeks and ive seen it eat twice in the store, a week apart and its still eating, in my tank. ive read some articles that said they are one of the more hearty of the angels, so i thought id give it a try..... and from what ive seen i got a good deal on it. thanks


Active Member
Cool, Dont see them very often. Is it male or FM? A book I have says they are NOT very hardy so I hope its wrong.


Active Member
I have found that they are a hardy angelfish and the good thing about them is that they are one of the few reef safe angelfish. Good luck with your new fish.


just wondering...how much was he...my pygmy just died and wanted something difrferent to replace him...


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Cool, Dont see them very often. Is it male or FM? A book I have says they are NOT very hardy so I hope its wrong.

well when i started to look at it while it was still in the store, the guy at the store told me that it was a male...but then i get home and jump on the internet to do my research on the fish and every site that i go to says i have a female (from the pictures). so i dont know if i have a male and it just hasent developed its full adult colors or if i have a female???? i havent found any sites that tell wether or not it has a color change so im still in the dark about that one. i guess time will tell. :thinking:


Originally Posted by Bret61081
just wondering...how much was he...my pygmy just died and wanted something difrferent to replace him...

the lfs was trying to sell it for $70 but i got him down another $10, so i paid $60. ive seen them on other sites for over $100


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I have found that they are a hardy angelfish and the good thing about them is that they are one of the few reef safe angelfish. Good luck with your new fish.

yeah thats the main reason i got it since i am work into a reef tank. ive also read that a male and female can be kept in the same tank without killing each other so thats cool. ive had it for a few days now and it seems to be a very mellow angelfish. ive got a copperbanded butterfly, (giant) maroon clown, yellow watchman goby, and a purple firefish in with it and their all getting along good so far.


these fish a lot of the time will suffer swim bladder infections and these fish are better suited to a deep-wate reef tank. i've never had one but every book i've read on these guys says they aren't hardy at all. looks great though, good luck with him.


I have experience with one myself. I see them at my lfs for over $300 because they are a deep water angelfish that is reefsafe. In any case, I purchased it and had it in my tank for a month.
These fish are hit or miss in most cases. Most that you see have bladder infections, which cause them to almost float or to swim abnormally. With mine, he looked fine and I had the fish store QT him for 3 weeks. After that amount of time, I took the male home with me, and he lived for 4 more weeks. After 3 weeks in my system, he developed the bladder problem, so I did some medications on him, but never pulled through.
He was a great fish, but for $60, you cannot go wrong. I hope that you have much better luck than I do.


Originally Posted by cubuffs
I have experience with one myself. I see them at my lfs for over $300 because they are a deep water angelfish that is reefsafe. In any case, I purchased it and had it in my tank for a month.
These fish are hit or miss in most cases. Most that you see have bladder infections, which cause them to almost float or to swim abnormally. With mine, he looked fine and I had the fish store QT him for 3 weeks. After that amount of time, I took the male home with me, and he lived for 4 more weeks. After 3 weeks in my system, he developed the bladder problem, so I did some medications on him, but never pulled through.
He was a great fish, but for $60, you cannot go wrong. I hope that you have much better luck than I do.
what were you treating the bladder infection with? maybe i should check into some garlic. ive heard that this helps with some fish?????


Originally Posted by Tyedyed1
well when i started to look at it while it was still in the store, the guy at the store told me that it was a male...but then i get home and jump on the internet to do my research on the fish and every site that i go to says i have a female (from the pictures). so i dont know if i have a male and it just hasent developed its full adult colors or if i have a female???? i havent found any sites that tell wether or not it has a color change so im still in the dark about that one. i guess time will tell. :thinking:
Hi there--a male watanabei with it's colors developed has black horizontal stripes running from head to tail on the bottom 2/3 of his body--the female has no stripes.
Also, with regards to garlic--I am a religious user (2 drops of Kent Garlic Xtreme w/ 1 of my daily feedings) and have seen the benefits first hand. No problems with diseases, and the fish usually go pretty nuts for the food soaked in the stuff. Just be careful not to use more than directed or you can foul the water a bit.
I would also recommend using some sort of vitamin supplement, like Selcon, with your other feedings--this helps with some diseases garlic seems to lack in, and is good for your fishes colors and overall health.



Originally Posted by Nater
Hi there--a male watanabei with it's colors developed has black horizontal stripes running from head to tail on the bottom 2/3 of his body--the female has no stripes.
Also, with regards to garlic--I am a religious user (2 drops of Kent Garlic Xtreme w/ 1 of my daily feedings) and have seen the benefits first hand. No problems with diseases, and the fish usually go pretty nuts for the food soaked in the stuff. Just be careful not to use more than directed or you can foul the water a bit.
I would also recommend using some sort of vitamin supplement, like Selcon, with your other feedings--this helps with some diseases garlic seems to lack in, and is good for your fishes colors and overall health.


Thanks for the info, ill be checking into the garlic and selcon or whatever vitamin supplement the lfs has this week sometime
. also are the stripes there from day one or do they show up after the juvenile stage? ive seen the pictures with and without, male and female, but i dont know if this fish changes its coloration or not after it juvenile stage.