Watch out for falling powerheads!


I have 4 Maxijet 900 powerheads in my DT. The suction cups won't seem to hold for more than a week. What's the deal? I've scraped the glass and cleaned the suction cups.
Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions besides gluing them to the tank?
It's really starting to tick me off, the are always falling and stirring up the sand or blowing it on top of my LR. :mad:


Active Member
mine did that to drove me nuts if they didnt fall on their own my fish knocked them off i ended up using zip ties to help mount them on the front of my overflows (looped the grooves) then desided to add a closed loop to cure the problem


Originally Posted by fedukeford
glue the PH to a mag float, so you can move it easily, and it stays on better
Looks like I'll need 3 more mag floats. :scared: Great idea and thanks for the pics Signman.


Originally Posted by unleashed
mine did that to drove me nuts if they didnt fall on their own my fish knocked them off i ended up using zip ties to help mount them on the front of my overflows (looped the grooves) then desided to add a closed loop to cure the problem
what exactly is closed loop? I've been trying to figure this one out for months but never asked. I'm thinking it's where you use your return pump for the sump to create all your flow? Maybe add an external pump that takes the water from DT in and pumps it back out creating flow???


Active Member
what exactly is closed loop?
A closed loop is a way to add more flow to your tank without taking up more space(with powerheads) and also introduces less heat into your system. A closed loop is simply a intake(pvc usually) in your DT which drains to an external pump, then from the external pump people usually use a SCWD to take the water back to the tank through two outputs. But some people use a T. Also some tanks are already drilled for the intakes and outputs. It is known as a closed loop because the water is never exposed to air-hence it is closed. A sump is not considered a closed loop.


Originally Posted by Hurt
A closed loop is a way to add more flow to your tank without taking up more space(with powerheads) and also introduces less heat into your system.
OK, is the only way to do this with drilled tanks? I'm guessing an external pump is used which can just sit under your DT in the stand without using any type of enclosure like a sump or rubbermaid???
I'm pretty happy with the flow my 4 powerheads give but they're not so nice to look at. I also have high temps, 84.3


Active Member
OK, is the only way to do this with drilled tanks?
No, you don't have to have a drilled tank, it just makes it easier. All you have to do is take a pvc pipe and drill many holes into it for the intake. Then just use 90's to plumb the water out of the tank and down to your external pump.