Watchman Goby Starving?

kat 4

HELP - my poor goby is skinny as a can I get food to him? He keeps sifting the sand but looks awful....I've had him for 1 1/2 years. Any ideas??


watchman gobies aren't sand sifters. this fish should be accepting food. how long has it not been eating?


Active Member
What speicies is it? Some of the watchmen will sift sand, but they should get the majorty of their food from what you put in. How often are you feeding the tank and what are you feeding?

kat 4

It's the Watchman goby - white with yellow spots. It usually is on the sandbed piling up hills of sand. I have cut back on feeding to lower nitrates. He does grab mysis shrimp, seaweed, etc. He's just scared of me so runs away when I feed. I think maybe cutting back on food has left him out of the feeding frenzy. Touch balance to not overfeed, yet make sure everything gets food. I did put some shrimp pellets in today for him....