Well I just put my yellow watchman and pearly jawfish into the main tank. They were in the Qt for the last 3 1/2 weeks were at no time did the watchman try to jump out. I did have a board over the tank because of the jawfish. Well now since being in the main tank the watchman has found his way into the overflow 3 times. I removed him two of them(which was a pain in the @$$) and i have decided to let him in there for a few day because he doesn't look too well after me poking around with a net trying to get him out. Should i try to get him in the tank when the lights are out? He just doesn't want to stay down around the rocks. I guess i would take any advise that anyone can give. He is a cool little fish that for some reason wants to go to the top of the tank and swin through the teath of the wear.
Oh well if anyone has any thoughts just shout out.