Watchman Goby

nm reef

Active Member
...eye candy....

Photography has become almost as enjoyable as my reef...taking my own pics and seeing pics other hobbyists have produced.
I have several that I personally like....y'all got any you'd care to share.



I was thinking about a yellow goby. but my lfs has one and Ive seen it once with its shrimp. Ive been there numerous of times and never see it out of its hole. and it has not been sold cuz its a display tank. so my question is to those of you who have gobies with the shrimp do you see them often?


Active Member
i have had my watchman for about 3 weeks, he doesnt touch the sand, at least i never see him do so, im probably just going to get rid of him i dont think he will survive without doing this, he eats some of the leftovers from the other, and does come right out to the front when i am feeding my other guys, but yet he still doesnt sift....i think i'll call him "Handy Goby" :joy:


Active Member
Here's my big guy.
Love to watch him carry shells around, even ones with crabs in them if they are anywhere near his cave