Water change during cycle?


I am trying to cycle a 5 gallon nano by using a rotting silverside. Should I change the water during the cycle? Also, should I leave the dead fish in there indefinatly?


Active Member
once you see an ammonia spike you can take the silverside out. no water changes until the cycle is complete.


Thanks......just what I needed.
Looks like
Am...2.0 ppm
Nitrite...... .50 ppm
Nitrate....10 ppm
Time to put fish in right?......just kidding
How far along is this in the cycle?


Active Member
let's just say it's definitely cycleing. now just wait it out until the ammonia and nitrites are zero.


Now that is an ammonia spike.. good gosh, I kept checking my tank after i put my lr and ls in it but never really saw a spike.. i have a much larger tank and didn't add a lot of lr to begin with.. will check again tonight, i put in more lr last night so hopefully some ammonia will show ;) Good luck


Hijack time. Sorry steagfs. But I'm cycling too and I'm all ready to do water change. My ammonia is 0.0, nitrites .25 and nitrates are still high, 100 plus. The levels have been the same for days now. I know that the nitrites are not at zero but is it water change time? The tank has been cycling for 20 days now.
Originally Posted by bigarn
let's just say it's definitely cycleing. now just wait it out until the ammonia and nitrites are zero.


I am new at this and just trying to have a small tank for my bedroom w/ a damsel or small clown and live rock. How difficult is it going to be to maintain a 5 gallon nano w/ 5-10 lbs live rock and 1 fish?
I have ro/di and do frequent water changes......along w/ my 29 gallon.
Also, I am very intersted in building a small sump for my 29 gallon.....a filter bag, airstone protien skimmer and my hob filters. I would like some plumming info on an oveflow and general hoses and pumps for a small 10 gallon sump.