Water change poll -


Active Member
OK tell me how often you change your water - seen several thread where this is being debated .... thoughtI would centralize them .....


Active Member
I just changed the water in my 120 for the first time today.......it has been running for a little over 6 months now.
I used to change water more often than that on my 29g though.......maybe once every 1-2 months on that tank.
I do a water change every 2 weeks on my larger tanks. My 30 I change once a week. Some may think it is excessive, but it seems to work for me :)


Active Member
I change out one third of the tank every two weeks for the 40 gallon and 65 gallon. I guess if I had a bigger tank than these I would only do about 25 percent every two weeks. I have mainly fish and they create a lot of waste so I feel the need to vaccuum the crud from the substrate. I may not keep a perfectly clean house, but I cannot stand a dirty fish tank! Just the thought of them living in their own waste products keeps me honest about the cleaning schedule. Lesley


Active Member
My tank has been up for one year and I've never done a water change. The only saltwater I ever replace is the saltwater I use to acclimate new animals. All of my water chemistry is still perfect so I don't see why I should mess with it. If I start having problems, I'll start doing water changes, until then...


I belive water changes are essential to have a thriving reef. without water changes they are just surviving.


Active Member

Originally posted by krishj39
All of my water chemistry is still perfect so I don't see why I should mess with it.

I highly doubt it- mabye you have no ammonia or trites and Ph is fine- but after a year the water is not perfect


I do about 15-25 gallons over the course of each week. Some weeks I'll skip. But I do about 4/5 gallons a shot over about 3/4 times. I usually end up doing something that requires siphoning out water in some way or another.
So that ends up to around 6.5% per week... but not quite that efficient, since I only do a few gallons a time. Maybe it keeps things a little more stable, i'm not sure..
I remember a thread that discussed larger water changes were stopping growth, and then a little bit after the change, things were going back to normal.. In a continuous cycle, anyone have an opinion on this?


Active Member

Originally posted by krishj39
My tank has been up for one year and I've never done a water change. The only saltwater I ever replace is the saltwater I use to acclimate new animals. All of my water chemistry is still perfect so I don't see why I should mess with it. If I start having problems, I'll start doing water changes, until then...

I could see that maybe the trace minerals would need to be replaced. I would also think that you would have to keep a close eye on the buffering capacity of your water if you don't do any water changes. I guess if the nitrates are zero it would be ok. I don't see how you are getting away with it. Do you have a deep sand bed? It may crash in time after several years if you never tend to it. Maybe not. Good luck. Lesley


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
I noticed 3 people who never change their water - how long have you had your tanks up and running??

previously up to eight years in a given tank for fresh and salt.
current tanks 2 year fresh. 7 months salt (55g display, 20g macro algae culter tank)