Water change question???


I need to do a water change today
i pre-mixed water
its levels are
my tank is
i want to take out 4 gallons of water and add 7.5 gallons
is this good
am i ready to go


Active Member
If possible let your new water age a day, preferably with water movement via a power head or air pump. Unless you're using a refractometer you can't be sure of the accuracy of your salinity. After your water ages you may see a different ph reading. You'll want them close.
I'm curious. You're taking out 4 and adding 7.5 :notsure:
What is the total volume of your tank?


Active Member
As long as the salinity is the same between the two and you're shooting for 1.02375 or so (reefs should be a bit higher...like 1.025), then I think you'll be fine. I'd wait a day or two and let your new water mix, if possible.
Ordinarily, you should top off every day or two with fresh water, not saltwater, to replace the evaporated water. Top-offs with saltwater, as you probably know, will increase your salinity to dangerous levels quite quickly.


Active Member
You have no animals in there, right? If not, then go for it. If you do have, then I'd just wait a day or so more. Make sure the new water is the same temp as that in your tank.


Active Member
If you have waited 24hrs on your new water, its the same temp same SG and PH is good, drop it in there, your good to go.