Water Change Question


I have had a build up of brown algae on my CC so I decided to clean it and bought a cleaning siphon today. It seemed to work pretty good but now I am missing about 5 gallons of water from the 36g tank. I mixed up a 6 gallon bucket with 2 1/2 cups of Instant Ocean and a half a teaspoon of Aquasafe which the LFS told me to do to get the chlorine out of my tap water. I also dropped a powerhead in the bucket and a 120 watt heater to make the temperature the same as my tank. I waited about 5 hours and checked the salinity and it is exactly like my main tank. The pH was low. How long should I wait before siphoning it back in my main tank? Is there anything special I should do? I am afraid of doing anything wrong because this is my first small water change. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.


I would go ahead and add the water even though the PH is a little low. The rest of the tank water will make up for it. I have no experience with aquasafe and never use tap water. To make it a little easier for you in the future-I would buy ro/di water that is already pre-mixed at your lfs if they sell it. My lfs in Boston sells it for .50/gallon. The PH is perfect and the SG is around 1.021. I've also have had great luck with ***** salt water which is $10 for 5 gallons. Best of luck.


Active Member
by using an airstone this will raise the pH gradually... the temp and time of day also will affect your pH readings... mix your water and aerate for atleast 24 hours...also your SG should be between 1.023 and 1.026...


the brown algae you had was probably diatoms and will probably come back. it will however go away on its own in time or if your cycle is done you can get a clean up crew and they will help keep it back a lot. diatoms are normal in a new tank........my tank is just now getting rid of it.


New Member
I started my Nano tank using Real Ocean water. It came in a big box with a heavy plastic insert. It claims no nitrates, no phospate, and a ph of 8.3. I also have LR and LS in my little 5 gal. tank. I still haven't bought a test kit but I'm going to do that soon. Have any of you used that Real Ocean water?


New Member
Im also wondering about all of this. I've had a 30 gallon tank running with 3 damsels and one rather larger hermit crab for about a month now...started getting some of that brownish stuff on the glass. I have a few gallons of salt water that I got from my fish store when I first set the tank up...so its about a month old. Is it still ok to use it for a water change? It would only be about a 10% water change (3 gallons). Also, its PH is at about 7.0 whereas my tank's is around 7.7 (been trying to get raised, unsuccessfully, so far). Thanks for any help.