Water change question???


New Member
When doing a water change is it standard practice to siphon the substrate?
In general how much substrate should be in a tank?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by BrunoD
I have aragonite. I only have about 1-1/2" depth.
You should add 2-4 more inches of sand.

yosemite sam

Active Member
What all is in your tank? Does your sand appear dirty, or do you have an algae problem? What sort of flow do you have in your tank? People have different depths of substrate, from deep sand beds of 5-6", to bare bottom tanks with no substrate at all. I personally have about 1" of sand in exposed areas and none under the live rock.


New Member
I have a quite one 4000 in my sump which pumps about 1000 gph. I also have a wave maker on the side about 200 gph. I do have an algae problem at the time being. I was asking if it is recommended to vacuum the substrate when doing a water change. I have heard conflicting stories. My tank is a 75 gallon. With a 20 gallon sump. In my tank I have a long tenticle anenome, a green top cauliflower coral, some yellow polyps and a bunch of different mushrooms. Fish wise only a sailfin tang, a hippo tang and an engineer goby, also about 10 turbo snails,10 hermits and a green methrith crab. Recently had an anenome that died in my tank and things got out of control. Still trying to recover.