Water Change Question


when mixing my new water and salt how long should I wait untill I put the water into my tank?? I heard let the salt mix for 24 hours ive also heard 1 hour is cool.. Thanks!!

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryan4321
when mixing my new water and salt how long should I wait untill I put the water into my tank?? I heard let the salt mix for 24 hours ive also heard 1 hour is cool.. Thanks!!
I would wait at least 24 hrs. Personally, I let mine age for several(10 to 12)days with a heater and powerhead in my mixing vat.


Active Member
I personally make sure the temp is the same or within a couple degrees and then I pour it in really slooooooooow and I have not had any problems.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
I personally make sure the temp is the same or within a couple degrees and then I pour it in really slooooooooow and I have not had any problems.
what is the point in pouring it in that sloooooowly? When I do my water changes I siphon the water out and put the water back in? It's not something you need to take your time doing?


I think he means he just doesnt dump the water in all fast and scare the fish and stuff.. Thanks for the answers everyone!!


Active Member
I let mine mix for about 36-48hrs
Pouring?? Why not just use a small pump... takes alot of work out of it..

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryan4321
I think he means he just doesnt dump the water in all fast and scare the fish and stuff.. Thanks for the answers everyone!!
when she said it with like 10 o's i figured she meant a cupful at a time, but regardless you don't have to do it slowly at all, just get it done, and IMO, if you pour it in not so slowly, you will also oxyginate the water while your doing it. And dumping the water in fast won't scare the fish, my lionfish used to play in the bubbles when I poured my water in.
Every Friday I buy 2 five gallon jugs of DI water, come home and mix the salt into one of them. Drop in a power head and let it start mixing. I don't add a heater but I do put it in the warmest room in my house. On Sunday morning, I pull 5g's out and put 5g's of the salt mix back in. I use a 1 gallon pitcher and put it back in so that it doesn't splash all over the place.
The other 5g DI water is for top off from evaporation.
Clean. Easy. EVERY Week.