water change question


how long does water have to sit b4 it can B added to the tank? also, if i dont have a heater to heat the mixing water should i add the water really slowly and check the salinity as i do it? or should i just add it as usual?
this is what had happend...
i stripped my tank to get my damsels and cinnamon clown out, i have them sitting in my qt tank for now untill i give them to my friend. tomarrow i will b getting my fish order from this site and i want to have the tank full so i can have my skimmer and powerheads running. right now its only 3/4 full and i only have my cannister filter going.
what should i do?


Active Member
In emergency situations, I've been known to only let my mixture sit for 6 hours. This is definately not something that should be practiced though.
Do you have any idea what time your order will be showing up?
Around 24 hours or more is recommended to allow the salt to dissolve properly.
I also have been know to add my mixture to my aquarium at room temp instead of aquarium temp, but DON'T ever practice this. If there is nothing in the tank then it wouldn't hurt anything IMO, to add it without heating it. As long as you have the water to normal tank temp about an hour before the fish get there.


well right now i have 2 percs and all my inverts (crabs, snails, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, and 1 pepperment shrimp) in the tank. im thinking to just mix the water let it sit a couple of hours then add 1 gallon every 15min to half hour??? the order should B showing up sometime in the morning, not sure exactly when, but fedex comes pretty early


Active Member
Leave the tank at 3/4...it will be fine until you can get your salt mix right...
Also, temp will directly effect your salinity.


Active Member
wow, I must not have been thinking clearly, leaving it sounds like the smarter one, hmmm........


lol, ok, so just leave the water how it is and it should B fine? what would happen if i added the water without mixing it and such? and how does temp effect salinity? (does warmer water make it higher or lower?)


I have a 15gal and a 75. I have had the 15 up and running for over a year and it is doing extremely well. I never wait more than 20 minutes for my salt to mix because i read on the bag that it mixes instantly, so i wait for the cloudiness to go away and the water to become clear once again. I have never had a problem.


Active Member
Yes, it mixes instantly, but does not totally dissolve instantly. When it is dissolving it is precipitating all of the vital trace minerals it is manufactured to have into you water. If it is added before this precipitation has occured, it could build up in a corner of the tank or on the rocks or substrate. It also is not good for the inhabitants, as they are not built to handle new salt, they are built to handle a naturally balanced and dissolved saltwater, not salt.


well, i have never had buildup. thats for sure. and my fish seem to be extremely happy, maybe i am an exception. but i think the whole "wait 24 hours" is a big waste of time.


Active Member
It may possibly be, but I personally don't want to risk my prized investments to spare time. Pretty much it is up to whoever is doing it.
Your tank, Your decision


i personally dont think its worth the life of a fish to not just mix the water a day before u plan on changing the water in your tank, but like u said, "Your tank, Your decision"


I have a 10 gal bucket and a large pump (equiv to a 7mag)- it heats it up perfectly without the need of a heater.:)


Active Member
Allowing the mix to set for a litte time allows for the adequate gas exchange to occur.
Warmer water is able to absorb more salt then colder water due to the expansion...in my own mixing container, I have found that when mixing the salt prior to warming the water, I bring it to a specific salinity...then after the water has warmed to 79-80 degrees, the salinity is lower then when cold.