water change ??


I just did a 10% water change on my 55g now my water is cloudy. as it been awhile since ive had an up and runing sw tank is this normal??? before the change my water was clear I also did filter cleaning at the same time and just cleaned the skimmer a day ago i know it will clear up but ive never seen this happen replys very welcome on this just getting my sea legs back so thanks


well maybe it seemed the 2nd bucket of water took more salt mix than the first . you think this could be the reason not mixing enuff?? im useing reef crystals salt and doing a sg of 1.023 to 1.024 at 80f?? also i see that my sg could be higher from this board like 1.025 or 1.026 at 80f for a reef tank


New Member
How old is your tank? If its under a month old you shouldnt do a water change. Also you never do a water change and clean the filter in the same day or even in the same week. Also make sure theres no salt left in your buckets when u fill


tank is just shy of a month old i did not see any salt in the bottom of the bucket. ok so never clean filter when you do a water change what time frame on that cleaning??? I did the water change because everything thing ive ever seen said to do a water change one time a month and thats what the lfs said also so that what ive always done.