Water change....


well i thought i knew how to do a water change but what is this im reading about not putting the hose in the sand!!!!
what does that hurt


Active Member
If you have sand, then first and foremost you risk slurping most of it out.
If you have a functional deep sand bed, you will disturb the zonation of the sand, destroy the microfauna that is critical to it working, and potentially release pockets of hydrogen sulfide which can wipe out your tank.
If you have crushed coral, you should IMO siphon the sand. If you have a shallow sand bed, I still wouldn't recommend it, mostly because you will kill off highly desirable critters.


my sand bed is shallow only about 1in or a inch and a half.so i shouldnt siphone it at all what about sturing it around?


Active Member
I personally see no reason to siphon or stir a sand bed if your circulation is good and you have an adequate clean up crew. If you have detritus accumulating, for example, you have an issue with the circulation of the tank. Otherwise, I really don't see a reason to siphon it.