Water Change?


when planning to start a reef tank and your tank has been up and running for amost 6 months but you've never done a water change for clean water. how much time should you spend on cleaning the water with 25 % water changes so that you have really clean water and how many times a month should you do a 25 % water change?


Click on the Search button on the top of this page then type the word "Water Change" and you will find tons of threads about water change. There are so many differrent ideas and opinions about this topic. You should read some of them and you will know what to do for your water change.
Good luck....
i do my water changes every three weeks some people dont do water changes but have really good filtration but i think you should always do water changes


I clipped this from www.liveaquatic.com:
The importance of water changes
Partial water changes should at least be done monthly by removing and replacing approximately 15%-25% of the total water volume of your aquarium. Water changes may be performed more frequently (weekly, for example) by doing smaller amounts, but always remember to not exceed 25% during any individual water change. It is very important to make sure the new water for the aquarium is the same temperature as the water already in the aquarium, in order to keep the fish from suffering more stress.