is it necess ary to do water changes during the first cycle of a tank becuse of the increse of harmful toxins
i am using LR/LS DSb filteration
opinions appreicated
dont do the water change until the cycle is over. you dont want to disrupt it in any way. IMO the more ammonia the better. you want to have an abundant supply of beneficial bacteria when you start to introduce your livestock.
yes, wait until your cycle is over.... make sure your ammonia is at 0, your trites 0, and your trates below 25.. I did a water change on mine two early and from experience bad things happend and I will never do it again.
Don't do any water changes until the cycle is complete. However, if you've got a dead, rotting fish - or a huge uneaten clump of food growing fuzz on it in the bottom, feel free to remove those.
If you want to do anything to prevent really lethal ammonia spikes, my best advice would be to use some Cycle, stress zyme, or some other liquid-bacteria supplement. Its like live sand without the sand