Water changes on a 24g


Am I missing something?
Every week I do a 5 gallon waterchange on my 24 gallon pod. Whenever I do this the water drains down to a level where some of my corals and rocks are out of the water.
How is everyone else doing changes?
I also always manage to stir up a lot of detritus and make my water mucky for about an hour.


Active Member
i also have a 24g aquapod..i also do 5g water changes..i use a gravel vacuum to suck out the water and i use it to refill my water with the new water..i place the bucket of new water a little higher then my DT so the water would't flow to fast and disturb the sand...i don't think it matter if the corals are sticking out of the water..just as long its not for a long period of time..


Active Member
Exposure out of the water for a period of time wont hurt your corals at all. In fact mushrooms can stay out of the water for up 1-1/2 hours and still live. How do I know? Well first, guys at my LFS said so and second look at the green shroom in my tank theres a post on here. Out of water exposure 1 hour 15 mins. I also use a power head to get the water from my buckets to the tank.


It should look a little mucky after a water change; actually, before I do the change I usually use a baster to stir up the detritus from the rocks and try to suck up as much of the stuff up as I can when I'm taking the old water out.