Water Changes with Demineralized Water


New Member
My questions are:
One do I need to dechlorinate the water? I am not sure if there's chlorine in demineralized water.
Two, do I have to add anything to the water for mineral support. Like should I add liquid calcium and such? At the moment my tank is FOWLR.


Active Member
what process are you talking about to get the water demineralised???
you dont have to add a dechlorinator, and as far as adding calc that is up to you wether you want to drip it, be sure to check your Alk...


New Member
I checked my alk its at about 130 ppm. Is that to high? Why is alk important? If it's to low should I add calcium? Sorry for so many questions its just I read messages where people are always like "check your alk" and I never know why.


Active Member
Where or how are you getting the demineralized water from.
If its pure water like distilled or RO then for water changes, your salt mix should add back the proper minerals needed for salt water. No need to dechlorinate.
Alk, cal, mag, temp, and SG all effects the PH swings of the water and thats why.
Alk at 130 ppm is too low IMO.


New Member
I am buying the water in 5 gallon jugs from costco.
So alk acts to buffer potential pH swings if I am understanding correctly. So higher the kH the higher my buffering capacity. I am sure that if I have to high of kH its bad to though. So how do you raise or lower kH? Calcium? Thanks for help so far!