water changes???


My water parameters are as follows:
Ammonia -- 0
Nitrites -- 0
Ph- 8.3
Nitrates -- 5 to 10
should i do a water change? If so how do i do a water change? like how do i get the water out? and what kind of water to use? what do i put in the water that i change with? How much water? How long do i let the water set before i change it? Do i turn off all the equipment when doing a water change?
I dunno if this is of any importance but i have a yellow tang, clownfish, and yellowtail damsel. Im doing a FOWLR. I have a penguin 170 powerfilter. Also a aquaclear powerhead for a 50 gallon tank. My tank is 46 gallon bow front.
I'm Sorry for all the questions but there is no other way of me learning without asking questions from some veterans. I appreciate any help you give me!!


Active Member
I agree that tank is way too small for the tang.
"should i do a water change? If so how do i do a water change? like how do i get the water out? and what kind of water to use? what do i put in the water that i change with? How much water? How long do i let the water set before i change it? Do i turn off all the equipment when doing a water change? "
It sounds like you did alot of reading already.:thinking:
I know when I started I didnt know the water needed to set. In fact I asked someone if it was ok to let the water stay in a bucket for a week.
How long has your tank been running?


Active Member
if i were you id get rid of the cc and get sand. your tank is kinda small for a yellow tang but will be ok for a little while. your nitrates arent really a problem. just keep them as close to 0 as possible and under 25. ask many questions. i usually take out about 10 gallons of water in my 55. you would do well to do that also. do you have a skimmer? good luck!


Active Member
also, you may want to get a better filter as penguins arent that good. i use a siphon to get my water out. use RO/DI water. mix to the right salinity and put a heater in with it because mine gets pretty cold before i replace the old water. then a just use a pitcher and pour the water back in. just be careful not to pour too fast or youll knock stuff over and stir up the sand. or in your case, crushed coral


Active Member
some more advice is to get the book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Robert Fenner. its a really good book with lots of advice. another good one is Marine Fishes, by Scott Michael


some more advice is to get the book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Robert Fenner.
Ditto, I love this book. All of my other books don't have much info. on fish. This book has just about every kind of fish you can imagine and how to take care of them. It also gives a lot of info. on stating up.


Definetly get yourself the book.
Do a 5-10% water change, use distilled or RO water mix it and let it set overnight with a heater in the bucket. Siphon or cup the water out of the tank and then add very slowly the new tank water. You can keep all the equipment/filters running while doing the change.
Hope that answers your questions. Good Luck!


I would also recommend keeping a powerhead in the bucket of new water...pointed up (but not causing the water to squirt out of the bucket of course). Newly mixed salt water is oxygen poor as well.
Do a 5% change weekly.
Just use a plastic tube of some type to start a siphon to suck the water from the tank into a bucket or something (mark the bucket so you know how much to suck out).
More answers later...got to go party!!!