Water changes ?


I am new to the hobby and as you can see below I only have 3 fishes,it has been 1 month and three days since I did a water change I just checked trites,trates,etc.everything is perfect. I am not lazy or cheap I will do a water change now if you guys and gals tell me to.I just want to make sure my LFS does'nt want me to buy more salt than I have to. Thanks everyone.


I try to do a small water change (10% or so) every week or so (7-10 days). I do them not because my LFS said to (actually LFS didn't say anything about it). I just do them because it seems to make the tank more stable. Some people will recommend larger changes. Once you get a feel for your tank, you will know how often you want to change some water out.
Good luck!


Small frequent water chanes are the way to go.I do about five gallons a week.some times twice a week if I'm getting alot of surface scum.


I do two water changes a week in my 58 gallon. I do 10 gallons on Wednesday and 15 gallons on Sunday. While I could probably get away with fewer the fish seem healthier and more active when I do them more often. I find this to be true even though if I don't do a water change for 2 weeks and only clean the protein skimmer all of my levels are still perfect according to the test kit.


Regular water changes are recommended to replace trace elements that get used by your tank inhabitants and can not be easily replaced any other way. I perform a 10% water change about once a week. I know lots of people who do water changes less frequently. I would suggest you do them.....frequency and amount are up to you based on your water parameters, how many animals you have, etc, etc.


If you have a 125 gallon tank
How much % water change would anyone
reccommend each week
10% 20% 40%?
I'm thinking of getting a 125 gallon
and was curious


for your question
each week 5% (10% or 20% is a bit too much)
I do 10 G change every other week on my 75 G with 18 G refugium