water changes


New Member
I have a sps dominated tank and was wondering what others with similar set-ups do for water changes??? What frequency to you do changes and how much water do you swap out? Please give your tank size as well....thanks...


I have a denitrifier. No water changes for me, sorry.
I can't believe they are not more popular. People hear no water changes and it's like I'm a heretic or the devil himself.. Two tanks(one reef and one fish only), two denitrifiers and happy animals.


Originally Posted by Urodude
I have a denitrifier. No water changes for me, sorry.
I can't believe they are not more popular. People hear no water changes and it's like I'm a heretic or the devil himself.. Two tanks(one reef and one fish only), two denitrifiers and happy animals.
Any Pics?
I do water changes and its w/ ro/di water, pre-mixed and circulated for 12 -24 hrs.
Top off daily w/ same pre-mix and every other week do a 25g change and my 125g.
Supplement as necessary...


Active Member
I change out about 15% (a little less than 44g) of my water each week on my 300g. The only piece of SPS left in my tank after my Multicolor Angel went on his SPS-chomping spree is a turbinaria. But I do have plenty of softies, polyps, LPS, and anemones.