Water Changes


I am wondering how many change there water and how many do not? What are the consiquences of doing it or not doing them? I have heard to do it both ways. Please advise


Originally Posted by amanda46051
I am wondering how many change there water and how many do not? What are the consiquences of doing it or not doing them? I have heard to do it both ways. Please advise
I do 10 % EVERY week! keeps the nutrients up and the water pristine! I don't know of ANY disadvantages!

devil dog

Active Member
I know people that do water changes like one a year and there tanks look grate... but me I have never been able to do that... so its up to you most people don't recommend it…


Active Member
If you have coral you almost certainly need to do some sort of regular water changes. There are some people who don't, and they will tout their tank's stability, though they are also likely either more experienced, or have really researched the ability to do this for their own reasons. I do weekly water changes on all my tanks, 10-15%.


Active Member
I do 5gal changes on my 29gal reef every other day, which equates to about 60% weekly (60% of DT volume, 30% of total). It's horribly overstocked and a MUST! Nitrates would be over 100ppm otherwise. Also, I have to do water changes on my QT tanks, so I'm getting in the habit of doing the changes (just like working out). I haven't done any water changes on my 125gal, as it's just corals, so I just supplement as need. When I add the fish I will do weekly 20gal changes on that.


New Member
Aquaknight... how many fish do you have in your 29G reef? I have a 29G and I do 5G water changes every week.


Active Member
6, I'm still in the process of bringing the nitrates down. I'm hopefully I won't have to constantly do this much, just mantain. (The 29gal became 'negected' when I was setting up the 125gal).


Unless you want to add every trace element used up within your system water changes are a safe and effective way to constantly replenish trace elements, transport out some nutrients, and force oneself into a regular maintainance schedule. In a 210 gal display with a 40 gal sump system I find myself adding 2.5 g RO water weekly for evaporation, at same time adding cal & alk. Then once a month when I clean everything I perform a 25 gallon water change. It has worked for myself and most people I know with water volumes in system of over 100 gal. Smaller systems (IMO) need more frequent water changes as the ability to alter water chemistry due to biological activity within the system changes the parameters faster. Less water or "solvent" less dillution. So find a system that works for you but be kind to the ones you keep, change some water weekly or monthly!


30% every two weeks on my 55
Salinity 0.26-0.28
Nitrates 30-40 ppm
Nitrites 0
Ph 8.0-8.4
I use 16 to 20 gallons of RO from Lfs


I do thirty gallons a week on a 130 gallon display tank with sump. I used to not do the changes and I found that doing changes in my situation was best. It used to be a pain to do a change and I switched up my situation so I can do a change in under 15 minutes. Makes this hobby easier.


I do a 10% water change every week...Water is pristine, both coral and fish are happy and healthy....