Water changes


I have crushed coral substrate. 50 lbs lr. When I do a water change, do I vacuum,disturb, the crushed coral or just siphon out the water ?thanks


Active Member
When I had it I'd stir up the CC, because algae was able to grow on the large surface of it, but should you add LS to it, or switch to a DSB you would only remove water, but for now you should stir up the CC bed.


Active Member
Well, you could do one of two things. A very painful complete switch to a DSB, or just add an inch or two of LS to the top of the CC, and the LS will sift through, creating a mixed bed. I would personally perform the latter.


Can I just scoop out some CC to make it about an inch thick and then add southdown sand? And can I do this with fish in the tank?Would it work if I did half at a time: if a put in a divider and put all the fish and corals on one side and on the other side removed most of the CC and added southdown playsand ? Also do you go around LR or put LR on the substate. Thanks