Water changes

How often should I do a water change on my 75 gallon tank? Also, how much of a water change is normail?
Could someone also tell me how to clear up the fuzziness in tank water? I have what looks like either tiny air bubbles or bits of sand dispersed throughout my tank water. I noticed this after I put those blessed hermit crabs in. They don't stop moving do they?


most do about 25% a month some do it all at once other space it out through the month.
as far as the particuls if the tank is fairly new the particules will take some time to to get covered with bacteria to sink onto the sand floor. the only thing is until it gets to that point then the hermits will continue to throw it into the water column.


Active Member
I used to do 25% every month when I was FO and had CC for substrate. Now that I have converted to a reef with a DSB and Live Rock, I do 10% ever month or ever 2 months as my nitrates are always 0 now.


It depends on the quality of your water. I started out doing 10% water changes because every water change you do adds calcium and various essencial trace elements to your tank . once you get everything at optimal lvls you can do a 25% change once a month unless something changes.


Active Member
I do about a 10 percent becuase i have a smaller tank. That probably doesnt matter, but just thought it might help.


I do a small water change once a week it just seems easier for me than doing one big water change.:)


I get tiny air bubbles that look like particles in the water they come from my skimmer then I have adjust it until there are no more.


I have been doing 5gal change monthly with regular top-offs weekly for my 75. I am adding approx around 10gal of new water/month


Well-Known Member
I just replace water that evaporates and have done so on fresh and salt tanks since the late 70's. Also just use tap water. My 55g evaporates about .5-1 gal per week. I just added a sump/refugium so the evaporation will probably go up.
You cloudiness could be more serious. After adding new livestock, it could indicate that the biological filter has been exceeded. I also could indicate something as simple as a little sand got kicked up. Either way I would keep an eye on ammonia and nitrIte levels for a few days. And stop feeding for at least two days. If nitrItes do spike up then hold off on feeding until they come down. It should only take 3-4 days. The bacterial will catchup and the system will stabilize


Active Member
I've switched to 5g a week on my 125g and I do 1g a week in the 6g. Main reason is it's easier for me to do 5g a week vs 20g a month.


I do approx 10% every week or week and a half (depending on my schedule). I agree Reefnut and Jauringer, it is much easier to do one a week then a huge one every month.