water changing



ok I konw this question has had to been answered 1 Million times but make it one million and one plz
on a 100g FOWLR tank how offend should you change any water and how much.
EX drain 10 gals every 30 days
and ----
can I mix the water in a bucket like I did when I first set up the tank but check each bucket for SG b4 adding to the tank or do I need to mix the water and let it sit in an a tank with a powerhead or something moving the water around for a few days (or weeks)


you can mix the water in 5g buckets and check the SG, but you will have to age it for at least 24hr to stablize the PH/temp and let the salt completely dissolve.
It is much easier to have 32 g garbage tanks with mixed SW because you migth ened some very fast or you mgith not have the time to age it.
it is recomended to change it weekly, but it depends on what you have in your tank
Hard corals - weekly
Softcoral - bi-weekly
Just a FOWLR - even monthly.
i used to mix my Water changes in 5g buckets, but going to the agged SW method, i will never go back!


and should I wait for the nitrates and nitrites to come up b4 changing.....I'm tring to get out of as much water changing as I can to be honest here the tank has been set up for 60 days NO water has been changed....... and the pH is 8.2, ammonia is 0 ppm, Nitrite is 0 ppm , and the nitrate is either 0 ppm or 5.0 ppm cant tell they are both really close to the color of the water when checked
the fish in the tank are as listed
one yellow tang-- was told he was medium sized
one regal tang--- medium sized
5 damsals-- all around 1 to 1.5 inchs
1 dragonet
1 jawhead
5 turbo snails
1 cleaner shimp
1 tube Anemone worm ( thats what the LFS told me it was)
1 x-mas tree rock(roughy 5 worms in it and 4 inchs across
other than fish listing
about 30Lbs of LR
1.5 to 2 inchs of sand
1/2 inch of CC
SG -- 1/2 way between 1.022 and 1.023
I cant think of anything else to put down about the tank


What kind of protein skimmer do you have?
I would say change about 10% of your water every 2 weeks. That's the bad thing about larger tanks, you have to buy a lot of salt. I'm happy with my 40 gal and my wallet is happy too.


I here alot about keeping saltwater all mixed up in a plastic container. My question is how long can you store it ,and do you just leave a powerhead to circulate the water and use a heater to keep up the temp?


Active Member
I read somewhere that you can store saltwater for months. It's always a good idea to stick a heater and powerhead in the water so you can add it right into your tank when you need it. Besides that, the only other thing to do would be to check the salinity. :)


INK you are going way to fast, you should wait a month and 2 weeks before adding your first fish, and wait a month to add each new fish, when you add a fish you get a bio spike, and you must let that go down befroe adding the next, or your fish could sufficate.
You are maxed otu on fish do not add anymore, EVER!
Dragonets need very established tanks, (1 yr) and also need 100+ lbs of live rock. it will die
Your damsels will either kill themself, or kill your other fish, blood will be shed.
You cannot do this hobby fast TAKE YOU TIME OR YOU WILL FAIL!!
And you WILL have to do Water chnges now, i would do 10% water chnges everyweek to get your biospike down and fix the water. even when you have no trates/trites/amm you need to do whater changes to replace the trace elecmts that are lost.
NEVER EVER buy on impulse.
sorry if this sounded harsh, i know you wanted help, but i hate it when people dont do their research, i hope you ahve learned, if not you will lear when the fish start to die. DO YOUR HOMEWORK
Left it can stay good for months upon months. i just have a MJ 1200 and that keeps the heat at 80*